用功能近似的增强学习最近在具有较大状态空间的应用中取得了巨大的结果。这一经验成功促使人们越来越多的理论工作提出了必要和充分的条件,在这些条件下,有效的强化学习是可能的。从这项工作中,已经出现了一种非常简单的最小条件,以进行样品有效的增强学习:具有最佳价值函数的MDP $ v^*$和$ q^*$线性在某些已知的低维功能中。在这种情况下,最近的作品设计了样品有效算法,这些算法需要在特征维度中多个样本,并且独立于状态空间的大小。但是,他们将发现计算高效的算法作为未来的工作,这被认为是社区中的主要开放问题。在这项工作中,我们通过呈现线性函数近似的RL的第一个计算下限来取得进展:除非NP = RP,否则对于确定性的过渡MDP,不存在任何随机多项式时间算法,具有恒定的动作和线性最佳值功能。为了证明这一点,我们显示了唯一SAT的减少,在该SAT中,我们将CNF公式转换为具有确定性转换,恒定动作数量和低维线性最佳值函数的MDP。该结果还表现出具有线性函数近似的增强学习中的第一个计算统计差距,因为潜在的统计问题在理论上是可以通过多项式查询的信息来解决的,但是除非NP = rp,否则不存在任何计算有效算法。最后,我们还证明了在随机指数时间假设下的准多项式时间下限。
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Pretraining has been shown to scale well with compute, data size and data diversity. Multitask learning trains on a mixture of supervised datasets and produces improved performance compared to self-supervised pretraining. Until now, massively multitask learning required simultaneous access to all datasets in the mixture and heavy compute resources that are only available to well-resourced teams. In this paper, we propose ColD Fusion, a method that provides the benefits of multitask learning but leverages distributed computation and requires limited communication and no sharing of data. Consequentially, ColD Fusion can create a synergistic loop, where finetuned models can be recycled to continually improve the pretrained model they are based on. We show that ColD Fusion yields comparable benefits to multitask pretraining by producing a model that (a) attains strong performance on all of the datasets it was multitask trained on and (b) is a better starting point for finetuning on unseen datasets. We find ColD Fusion outperforms RoBERTa and even previous multitask models. Specifically, when training and testing on 35 diverse datasets, ColD Fusion-based model outperforms RoBERTa by 2.45 points in average without any changes to the architecture.
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Previous studies observed that finetuned models may be better base models than the vanilla pretrained model. Such a model, finetuned on some source dataset, may provide a better starting point for a new finetuning process on a desired target dataset. Here, we perform a systematic analysis of this intertraining scheme, over a wide range of English classification tasks. Surprisingly, our analysis suggests that the potential intertraining gain can be analyzed independently for the target dataset under consideration, and for a base model being considered as a starting point. This is in contrast to current perception that the alignment between the target dataset and the source dataset used to generate the base model is a major factor in determining intertraining success. We analyze different aspects that contribute to each. Furthermore, we leverage our analysis to propose a practical and efficient approach to determine if and how to select a base model in real-world settings. Last, we release an updating ranking of best models in the HuggingFace hub per architecture https://ibm.github.io/model-recycling/.
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Convergence (virtual) bidding is an important part of two-settlement electric power markets as it can effectively reduce discrepancies between the day-ahead and real-time markets. Consequently, there is extensive research into the bidding strategies of virtual participants aiming to obtain optimal bids to submit to the day-ahead market. In this paper, we introduce a price-based general stochastic optimization framework to obtain optimal convergence bid curves. Within this framework, we develop a computationally tractable linear programming-based optimization model, which produces bid prices and volumes simultaneously. We also show that different approximations and simplifications in the general model lead naturally to state-of-the-art convergence bidding approaches, such as self-scheduling and opportunistic approaches. Our general framework also provides a straightforward way to compare the performance of these models, which is demonstrated by numerical experiments on the California (CAISO) market.
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近年来,具有两个较高架构的视觉语言(VL)模型主导了视觉表示的学习。当前的VL模型要么使用轻型Uni-Modal编码器,并在交叉模式编码器中同时提取,对齐和融合这两种模态,或者将最后一层的Uni-Modal-Modal特征直接馈入顶部的交叉模式编码器,而忽略了语义深度单模式编码器中不同级别的信息。两种方法都可能限制视觉表示学习和限制模型性能。在本文中,我们介绍了多个桥梁层,该层在Uni-Modal编码器的顶层和跨模式编码器的每一层之间建立了连接。这可以在不同语义级别的视觉和文本表示之间进行全面的自下而上相互作用,从而导致更有效的跨模式对齐和融合。我们提出的桥梁可以预先训练,仅需$ 4 $ m的图像,可以在各种下游视觉语言任务上实现最先进的性能。在VQAV2 Test-STD集合中,Bridge-Tower的准确性为$ 78.73 \%$,与以前的最先进的仪表型号相同的the Art仪表均优于先前的最先进的仪表\%$ $,并且几乎没有其他参数,并且几乎没有其他参数和其他参数计算成本。值得注意的是,当进一步扩展模型时,桥梁可以达到81.15美元\%$的准确性,超过了在较大的数据集中预先训练的模型。代码可在https://github.com/microsoft/bridgetower上找到。
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We present the task of PreQuEL, Pre-(Quality-Estimation) Learning. A PreQuEL system predicts how well a given sentence will be translated, without recourse to the actual translation, thus eschewing unnecessary resource allocation when translation quality is bound to be low. PreQuEL can be defined relative to a given MT system (e.g., some industry service) or generally relative to the state-of-the-art. From a theoretical perspective, PreQuEL places the focus on the source text, tracing properties, possibly linguistic features, that make a sentence harder to machine translate. We develop a baseline model for the task and analyze its performance. We also develop a data augmentation method (from parallel corpora), that improves results substantially. We show that this augmentation method can improve the performance of the Quality-Estimation task as well. We investigate the properties of the input text that our model is sensitive to, by testing it on challenge sets and different languages. We conclude that it is aware of syntactic and semantic distinctions, and correlates and even over-emphasizes the importance of standard NLP features.
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Developing and testing algorithms for autonomous vehicles in real world is an expensive and time consuming process. Also, in order to utilize recent advances in machine intelligence and deep learning we need to collect a large amount of annotated training data in a variety of conditions and environments. We present a new simulator built on Unreal Engine that offers physically and visually realistic simulations for both of these goals. Our simulator includes a physics engine that can operate at a high frequency for real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HITL) simulations with support for popular protocols (e.g. MavLink). The simulator is designed from the ground up to be extensible to accommodate new types of vehicles, hardware platforms and software protocols. In addition, the modular design enables various components to be easily usable independently in other projects. We demonstrate the simulator by first implementing a quadrotor as an autonomous vehicle and then experimentally comparing the software components with real-world flights.
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